Astro Northstar

Book A Session with Miss CA!

Please note that all services listed on this website are currently marked as sold out. This status remains unless a client opts for a VIP F2F (Face-to-Face) Session. Our booking process has been operating on a queue system since January 1st, 2024, and we strictly adhere to this protocol.

It's important to understand that we do not accept session requests that bypass our official booking form, as Miss CA personally evaluates each inquiry to ensure that we recommend the most suitable service tailored to your specific needs before you proceed to book your preferred package. If this process aligns with your expectations, we encourage you to complete the form below. Our Customer Service Representatives will be in touch following your submission to assist you further.


true north /tro͞o nôrTH/ noun: true north : your inner sense, or your calling, of what you want to accomplish in your life. It's a combination of your values, your beliefs, and your purpose.

Total Harmony: The Comprehensive Healing Experience Package Dream Interpretation Starseed Awakening Journey Harmonic Connections: Energy Healing for Love and Relationships Intense Etheric Cords Removal

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